This content is brought to you in partnership with the North Carolina Military Business Center.
The North Carolina Military Business Center is a statewide business development and technology transition entity of the North Carolina Community College System, headquartered at Fayetteville Technical Community College. The mission of the NCMBC is to leverage military and other federal business opportunities to expand the economy, grow jobs and improve quality of life in North Carolina.
The NCMBC’s primary goal is to increase federal revenues for businesses in North Carolina. The Department of Defense has an annual impact of $66 billion and is the second largest sector of North Carolina’s economy (12% GDP). With six major military bases, more than 110 National Guard and 40 Army Reserve facilities and the third highest number of uniformed military personnel in the country, the State of North Carolina created the NCMBC to leverage opportunities with these installations, DoD commands and federal agencies operating worldwide.
The NCMBC connects North Carolina firms to current government contracting opportunities in two ways — with a team of business development specialists across the state who also provide technical services, and electronically with
Business Development. The NCMBC’s business development team includes experienced business development, industry and procurement specialists operating from 12 Community Colleges across the state – from Hendersonville to Elizabeth City. These specialists identify the most lucrative federal contract opportunities (prime and subcontracts), notify and pre-position North Carolina firms for specific opportunities, and assist firms to understand government solicitations, prepare winning proposals and to successfully execute federal contracts.
MatchForce. To connect North Carolina businesses with all federal opportunities, including local opportunities at bases in the state, the NCMBC administers the State’s official, FREE web portal for federal contracting – North Carolina businesses register on the portal, and receive automatic matches to federal prime opportunities and to subcontracting opportunities posted by other registered businesses. Firms identifying contract opportunities through MatchForce can then contact the NCMBC business development team for one-on-one assistance.
Strategic Initiatives Program. In addition to business development and MatchForce, the NCMBC conducts several strategic initiatives. These initiatives include:
-Market intelligence — identifying future business opportunities in key sectors
-Pre-positioning and training — for future and current opportunities
-Current business development — connecting businesses to contract opportunities
-Solicitation and proposal support — assisting businesses to compete and win
-Training and resources — providing tools to overcome contracting obstacles
-Events and networking — focused on target sectors, including statewide Summits for the medical, aerospace, cybersecurity, military construction and textile and soldier systems industries.
The NCMBC also established the North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Office (DEFTECH) to enable North Carolina’s innovation ecosystem to address complex national security problems, and increase economic opportunities for businesses in the state. The NCMBC and DEFTECH serve military commands and federal agencies worldwide, connecting their requirements with the North Carolina industrial and innovation ecosystem. The NCMBC and DEFTECH are unique combat multipliers that leverage industrial capacity statewide and drive private sector innovation, research and development directly to DoD, federal agencies and major military commands worldwide.
Other goals. The NCMBC also conducts employment programs to support the integration of highly skilled, transitioning military personnel, family members and veterans into the state workforce, and supports economic developers in recruiting defense-related businesses to North Carolina. The NCMBC maintains a searchable, historical database of transitioning military personnel to help economic developers quantify this potential workforce for businesses locating in North Carolina.
Learn more about the NCMBC at