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Seeking critical mass


Seeking critical mass

Piedmont Triad leaders believe the region needs the cooperation of
all its cities and counties to reach its full economic potential.

Cities and counties in the Piedmont Triad must work together to leverage the region’s assets if it’s to compete with the Research Triangle and Charlotte as well as metro regions outside North Carolina. That is the opinion of a panel assembled by Business North Carolina for a round-table discussion sponsored by the nonprofit Piedmont Triad Regional Partnership. Participating were Don Kirkman, president and CEO of the partnership; Rosemary Wander, UNC Greensboro’s associate provost for research and public/private partnerships; Austin Pittman, president of UnitedHealthcare of the Carolinas; Chuck Greene, regional director for the Piedmont Triad Region, AT&T North Carolina; and Kevin Baker, assistant director of Piedmont Triad International Airport. The discussion, moderated by Arthur O. Murray, BNC managing editor for special projects, was held at the partnership’s office in Greensboro.

Where is the Triad economy headed?

Kirkman: Some of the sectors that continue to do very well are traditional clusters in manufacturing, transportation, distribution and logistics, but we are also seeing significant growth in emerging technologies and research and development.

Wander: Growth is going to come from the health/biotech/nanotech arena. What’s happening in our companies and in the way our universities are tying into that will mean that we will build this from basic research into applications that are unique. Our work in transportation and logistics, with the five interstates and support from the universities, also will help us grow. Another place where we have real strength is in creativity. Just on our campus, we have 250 faculty associated with the arts and almost 1,500 students, and that’s just one of the region’s 11 four-year universities.

Greene: The region’s biggest asset is the resource we have with our community colleges and our private and public four-year institutions. The critical mass behind the research going on is going to fuel the next generation of our economy.

Pittman: We’re facing the same kind of national issues that everybody is. Biotech is a big piece. We’ve got a real leg up with Wake Forest University. The investments we’re making in all of our universities are really going to drive this economy forward.

How does the creative sector drive the economy?

Wander:Creative people look at new approaches. Then, on top of it, you put this work that we have going on in Winston-Salem and Greensboro around design, pulling from the folks at the university/community-college level as well as those who are actually doing it. If we unite these talents, we brand ourselves. Another way you can spin this out is that this is a place to come to. We have cultural tourism, art tourism. You put enough activity around it, and then things begin to flock to it.

Kirkman:The premise is that we are transitioning from an economy that has been based largely on manual labor and relatively low-skill commodity manufacturing to an economy where the power of knowledge and creative thinking will drive activity. We’re trying to nurture skills in problem solving and critical thinking that employers of every kind are going to require. Those skills can help drive a regional economy.

Wander:We had a Nobel laureate on campus yesterday. He took his understanding of art and his understanding of science and melded the two. When we’ve put our scientists and our artists together in the same room, there’s an exchange that’s really pretty exciting. It’s a way of thinking.

Kirkman:A lot of innovation is occurring at the inter­sections of disciplines. It may be Internet technology with biotech or nanotech. It may be an area like transportation or distribution that maybe we thought about in one way, but now, through the creative application of ideas, we can think about in an entirely different way. What we’re seeing, for example, at the airport, in thinking about this vision for an aerotropolis, is that multimodal integration of activities will drive a tremendous amount of employment and investment.

Baker:I grew up in Pittsburgh. When steel went away, there were big problems. But the city has rebounded. It’s after nanotech. Every city in the country wants to be a nanotech center. This region has to figure out why we’re better than those other regions.

Greene:This region has one of the greatest demands for high-end IT business services in the entire Southeast, even more so, in some cases, than Charlotte and Raleigh as well as Atlanta. Watching those demands for the services increase over the past few years really tells me that technology is going to play a key role in the future of this region.

Why is demand greater in the Triad?

Greene: It’s because of the critical mass we’ve got going on at the universities with all the research there, as well as the biotech industry that is emerging. Financial services also is a big user. It’s not just one specific segment that’s driving demand.

How can the Triad stand out for biotech and nanotech?

Kirkman: The key is to find niche markets where we can develop expertise. In biotech, I would hold up the Wake Forest University Institute for Regenerative Medicine. That is really going to transform medicine and organ transplantation by allowing people to grow replacement organs using their own cells. As for nanotechnology, we have tremendous opportunity with materials science and composites and with applying nanotechnology to medical technology and the emerging area of nanobiotechnology.

Wander: Nanobiotechnology fits very well with the whole spectrum of health activities in this region. Another strength is, we’re hungry. We know we need to change, and when you feel this way about what you’re trying to do, you can move forward in ways that people who are complacent do not.

Kirkman: In this field of medical and biotechnology development, having the FedEx hub is going to be a hugely powerful arrow in our quiver. You could theoretically deliver for surgery at 10 a.m. the next day a medical device that a hospital simply can’t inventory. Or a human organ. Or laboratory testing samples.

How else will the FedEx hub affect the region?

Baker: One need only go to Fort Worth and look at what has happened there in the last 15 years. FedEx opens a hub, and all of a sudden you have all of these supply-chain, logistics, overnight, just-in-time products made there.

Greene: It also will force the issue of the project we call The Heart of the Triad [a multijurisdictional effort to guide development of mostly rural land along the Guilford-Forsyth county line]. Pulling together as a region is something we need to work on, and the Heart of the Triad project is going to give us a launching pad.

Kirkman: The socioeconomic study done as part of the environmental-impact statement for FedEx projected that as a direct result of the hub, we would see about 20,000 new jobs in the Piedmont Triad region. UNC Chapel Hill professor Jack Kasarda has suggested that the figure probably significantly understates the true impact of the hub.

Pittman: It’s going to drive regionalization, whether we want it or not. And I do. I came from Dallas/Fort Worth. That’s the best example of how our economy can be built if we cooperate. We’re not much behind Charlotte or Raleigh-Durham, but a lot of citizens and business people haven’t made that leap to think of ourselves as that size of economy.

Regionalization has long been a goal. Is it happening?

Kirkman: We have some unique challenges as a polycentric region, where we don’t have a single city that drives our economy. It has some advantages. We have a dispersed population and employment base, and we consequently don’t have some of the gridlock of other metro areas. We have some challenges because these cities and counties historically have competed against one another, and it’s a paradigm shift to get them to where they realize that we’re all one market.

Greene: What’s going to be the key is not only convincing the residents and the business community that we need to operate as a region — which is where we’ve made progress — but also working with the local governments. For them, everything revolves around political boundaries.

Kirkman: We’re making significant progress in raising awareness of the fundamental premise that we’re going to sink or swim together. We’ve got a ways to go before that translates into changed behaviors. If we can crack the code to get these communities pulling together so that we can leverage the collective assets of this 1.6-million-person population, that is the key to long-term prosperity.

Pittman: An effective revenue-sharing agreement is going to be critical because the political folks are going to follow how those dollars move around. The infrastructure emanating from that airport hub — whether it’s roads, light rail, all the things that we could do to connect our universities, hospitals and all of those things to make it easier to move around — will over the long haul pull the citizenry together.

How does health care fit in?

Pittman: There’s plenty of collaboration as well as competition. When you look at what Moses Cone [Health System] and Wake Forest [University Baptist Medical Center] have done, that’s a great example of leveraging two systems. I talked to Tim Rice [president and CEO of Moses Cone]. As soon as the alliance was announced, he had folks in his hospital talking to folks at Wake Forest about how to increase the flow of residents over into Moses Cone. That’s a tangible symbol of people saying, ‘You know what? We are one market. Why don’t we reach across that little swath of land that separates Greensboro and Winston-Salem and create an alliance to better the community?’

Kirkman: I have been enormously impressed with the collaboration among our health-care providers around work-force development and training. There is a shared need for trained doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, and they all recognize that the pie of trained workers has to grow.

Wander: That extends to the universities because we do a lot of collaborative projects with Wake Forest and especially with Moses Cone to increase the number of nursing educators as well as the number of nurses.

Pittman: There’s going to be no shortage of patients because of the aging population. Tim and I talk about that often because we employ a lot of nurses and physicians at our site in Greensboro. In fact, we trade nurses back and forth. He and I talk about how we can try to help increase the output of qualified nurses and other health-care professionals.

Other than roads, what infrastructure needs are there?

Greene: We’ve faced a lot of challenges with air quality and have had kind of a sword of Damocles over our head with the noncompliance threat from the EPA. Being spread out creates problems. You don’t have the gridlock, but you still have a lot of traffic moving back and forth, and bringing in alternate transportation like light rail and the bus service that [the Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation] already has going are going to be key.

Pittman: If we connect the airport with light rail to both downtowns, the universities and the hospitals and then connect to heavier or high-speed rail to Raleigh and Charlotte, you could see this region really become the center point of this state’s economy.

Greene: As far as broadband, this region is one of the most wired in the country. We have a lot of infrastructure going back and forth between the cities and even in the more rural areas. We’re sitting very well compared to other regions of the country.

Baker: It is interesting that we’re so well-wired. That’s key for moving any region forward, given the changes in the technology. But the roads are most vital.

Pittman: We’re going to have to take matters into our own hands with regard to a lot of that infrastructure — the completion of the urban loop, for example. That’s the next challenge to wrap our collective brain around: how to get that done irrespective of state funding.

Baker: The Great State of Mecklenburg goes out and gets it done somehow with state funds not there, so we’ve got to figure out that same approach. It really comes back to regionalism. Not one of the three major cities or the minor cities is going to make that happen, but the group could.

How do you spread growth?

Greene: When we’ve attracted some of the major employers in recent years, the work force has been one of the major reasons. The work force comes from all those counties. When Dell announced it was coming to Forsyth County, a lot of the folks in Greensboro were like, ‘We lost one.’ But something close to half of the employees at the Dell facility are from Greensboro or Guilford County.

Kirkman: We need to be careful not to think about the urban hub of the region being the job creator and then having everyone else come in to work. That is a prescription for economic disaster in the perimeter counties, where they become bedroom communities with no investment in business and industry but requiring all the services like schools and police and fire.

Pittman: We’ve got to keep all our communities in mind because it creates a diverse offering for where a person can live, whether in Winston-Salem or Greensboro or a smaller community. That’s a great treasure.

How will the research parks boost the economy?

Wander: Piedmont Triad Research Park and Gateway University Research Park give us a way to brand our community around technology in niche markets like with Tony Atala’s [Institute for Regenerative Medicine] or our joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering with North Carolina A&T on the South campus of Gateway. We begin to have a way to identify very concretely where our real skills are.

Pittman: If we combine research with our history of manufacturing and turn it into high-tech manufacturing, there is a real opportunity to create a long-term economy.

Wander: These things fit together to promote entrepreneurial activities. For instance, there is now a wet lab at Piedmont Triad Research Park and a wet lab being built at ours.

What else can be done to promote entrepreneurship?

Greene: The lifeblood is the capital necessary to get it up and going. That’s the most obvious need — to make sure that the activities here are on the radar of the venture capitalists.

Kirkman: We need to create networks across jurisdictions and disciplines, where you have the ability to share experiences between entrepreneurs and investors and receive mentoring through agencies that exist to help support entrepreneurs. The other thing to do is to create a culture where it’s OK to fail.

Pittman: In places like Silicon Valley, it’s almost a badge of honor if someone has started a company that didn’t make it. We have to embrace that same notion here. You get back up again and have another idea and pursue that.

Wander: We have a course on campus in which students build their own business. They go try, and we support them, so if it doesn’t work they’re willing to come back and modify it and try it again.

Pittman: That’s important to bigger businesses as well, because what I’m looking for on our team are leaders, people who behave in an entrepreneurial spirit, irrespective of whether it’s their own money in a small enterprise or running part of a larger business. Those folks help drive a business forward.

Baker: If you define niche markets that this area is going to excel in and then you have entrepreneurial ventures that attack that niche, this region becomes known for that niche and the VCs are going to come in and say, ‘Hey, we’re going to go support that.’

Pittman: It gets right back to the whole idea of a region. There are people who look for communities that are the best places to develop business. The more it becomes part of the way we think about our community, the more it will drive entrepreneurship.

Kirkman: The converse is that our failure to walk the walk can send a very negative message. There have been some examples where we maybe represented the community as being a very integrated, seamless place, and when people came here, they may have discovered it was not as seamless as had been promised. But if you look at some recent successes here — Honda comes to mind — they represented a collaborative recruitment strategy that literally involved investments by multiple communities. We’re making tremendous progress in not just talking about collaboration but also actually collaborating.

Regional Report Western May 2008



Dead end is a road to riches 

They’re finally getting somewhere with the Road to Nowhere. Sixty-five years after hundreds of Swain County families were moved to make way for Fontana dam and lake, officials are negotiating a settlement to compensate the county for the federal government’s broken promise to build a road to ancestral lands and 32 isolated family cemeteries.

Federal authorities promised the highway in 1943. Six miles of the 37-mile North Shore Road were completed in 1972 before environmental laws halted work. Hence, the Road to Nowhere. Supporters say finishing it would open tens of thousands of acres to development. That’s what opponents fear, arguing that the truncated road is one of Swain County’s big tourist attractions because it runs through scenic, pristine wilderness.

U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler announced in December a deal in which the federal government would pay the county rather than build the road, but the Asheville Democrat didn’t say how much and when. “We’re moving forward,” county commissioners chairman Glenn Jones says. “They’ve got $6 million sitting in the Interior Department budget that they’re ready to release to Swain County when we get a final contract negotiated.”

That contract would provide a payment schedule. Jones says Congress is unlikely to pay the full amount — Swain hopes to get more than the $52 million a recent study recommended — in a lump sum. “The federal government is just not going to cough up that much at one time,” Jones says.

The county wants, he adds, to set up a trust. “We’ll deposit the principal amount, which would never be touched. The county can live with the interest on that, which we figure would be about $2.3 million a year.” That’s big money in Swain, where the budget this year is only $10.2 million. The county can tax only about 52,000 of its nearly 330,000 acres because the Tennessee Valley Authority, Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians own the rest.


MARBLE — Coats North America plans to close its thread plant here by November, idling nearly 100. The Charlotte-based company plans to move production to Central America.

CLYDE — David Rice, 68, resigned as CEO of Haywood Regional Medical Center, which lost federal Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. An inspection revealed problems with how the hospital administers medicine. Chief Operating Officer Alton Byers became interim CEO.

SYLVA — The Jackson County Airport Authority took bids on a contract to study slope stabilization around the county airport. Two landowners sued the airport in 2006, contending that the potential for landslides on airport property threatens their homes. The county wants the results by June 30.

CLIFFSIDE — Five environmental groups appealed the state’s decision to allow Charlotte-based Duke Energy to build a $2.4 billion coal-fired power plant near the Rutherford-Cleveland county line. They say it would violate new federal standards for mercury emissions. No date has been set to hear the appeal.

ASHEVILLE — The average household income of tourists here has nearly doubled to $100,000 during the last five years, according to a survey conducted for the Asheville Convention & Visitors Bureau by Asheville-based Magellan Strategy Group. It says typical visitors are married couples older than 50 traveling without children.

Regional Report Triangle May 2008



Directory Publisher Gets Wrong Numbers 

Pick the phrase that best completes this sentence: A Yellow Pages directory is:
a) a useful way to find business phone numbers.
b) a pretty good doorstop.
c) unnecessary if you have Internet access.

If you answered “c,” you’re part of a trend that worries publishers. References to print business telephone directories in the United States declined from 15.1 billion in 2002 to 13.4 billion in 2007, according to a study by the Yellow Pages Association, a trade group.

Executives at Cary-based R.H. Donnelley Corp. say increased use of Internet-based directories is a big reason. While demand for information technology has fueled the Triangle’s economic growth — Cary software developer SAS Institute is the state’s second-largest private company — the boom hasn’t been a boon to all. As more people go online for addresses and phone numbers, Yellow Pages publishers such as Donnelley have a harder time holding on to customers.

Its 2007 numbers don’t look too bad, at first. After posting a loss the previous year, Donnelley netted $46.9 million on revenue of $2.7 billion — a 41% increase on what it reported in 2006. But when the numbers are adjusted for a big acquisition it made in 2006, net revenue actually dropped 8%, and net income fell 71%. Even worse, the company warned that this year will continue the downward spiral. Sales will be flat, at best, and operating income is expected to fall as much as 9%. The company also broke a promise to start paying a dividend because it needs the cash to pay down more than $10 billion in debt.

The slump forced Donnelley to eliminate some jobs earlier this year. More cuts could be coming, but the company won’t provide details. It moved its headquarters in 2003 from New York to the Triangle, where about 600 of its 4,400 employees work.

Donnelley has developed some Internet offerings, but online revenue isn’t enough to offset declining print revenue, says Peter Salkowski of Goldman Sachs. Analysts are divided about whether the downturn is short-term — the soft economy certainly has played a role — or the company is beginning a long-term decline as advertisers shift spending to the Internet. “We believe it’s next to impossible to get customers back into a book, potentially mitigating any recovery,” says Paul Ginocchio of Deutsche Bank Securities.


SILER CITY — Pittsburg, Texas-based Pilgrim’s Pride will close its chicken-processing plant in Siler City by June, idling 836 workers. It blamed rising feed costs, an oversupply of meat and other factors.

MORRISVILLE — About 550 former employees of Morrisville-based Midway Airlines received nearly $54,000 in settlement checks for payroll claims filed by the state Department of Labor when the carrier went bankrupt in October 2003. Most of the checks, which were for unused vacation time, are for less than $85. The money came from sales of company assets.

DURHAM — Becton Dickinson, a Franklin Lakes, N.J.-based medical-equipment maker, plans to expand operations at three plants in Durham, adding about 180 workers during the next five years to bring its employment in the Bull City to about 760.

CARY — TowerCo, which builds and operates wireless-communication towers, agreed to sell as many as 430 to SBA Communications of Boca Raton, Fla., for up to $193.5 million. TowerCo, which has 18 employees, will continue to build and lease towers. The deal is scheduled to close this month.

WAKE FOREST — PowerSecure International, which supplies emergency generators to businesses, sold its Metretek subsidiary for $2.25 million to Mercury Investments of Cincinnati. Melbourne, Fla.-based Metretek helps customers measure the volume of natural gas in pipelines. PowerSecure International employs about 150 here.

APEX — Torrance, Calif.-based Rapiscan Systems, which makes scanners to detect bombs and con- traband, opened a factory that employs about 50.

DURHAM — Commercial printer PBM Graphics was acquired by Houston-based Consolidated Graphics. Terms were not disclosed. The fate of PBM’s nearly 1,000 workers — about half of whom work here — was unclear.

CARY — SAS Institute, which makes data-mining software, bought software maker Teragram, a 40-employee company based in Cambridge, Mass. Terms were not disclosed.

RALEIGH — Red Hat, which sells and services the Linux computer-operating system, agreed to buy Richmond, Va.-based Amentra. Terms were not disclosed. Amentra makes business software.

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK — AVI BioPharma, a Portland, Ore.-based drug developer, bought Ercole Biotech for $9 million. Ercole, which is working on a treatment for mus- cular dystrophy, employs eight. AVI plans to maintain the RTP office.

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK — Monica Doss, 56, will step down at the end of the month as president of the nonprofit Council for Entrepreneurial Development. She has been president since 1986. CED had not named a replacement.

RALEIGH — New York-based Time Warner Cable will pay the city as much as $4.5 million to change the name of Walnut Creek Amphitheatre to Time Warner Cable Music Pavilion at Walnut Creek. It agreed to a five- year deal with an option to extend it two more years. The money will be split between the city, which owns the 7,000-seat amphitheater, and Beverly Hills, Calif.-based Live Nation, which manages it.

DURHAM — New York-based drug maker Pfizer plans to buy Serenex. Terms were not disclosed. Serenex, which employs about 35, is working on a lung-cancer treatment. Pfizer has not said what will happen to Serenex workers.

RALEIGH — Cherokee Investment Partners, which cleans polluted sites and then develops them, raised $200 million for investments in China, Japan and other countries in the Far East. The company is still studying when and where to make specific investments.

DURHAM — Scynexis, a drug developer, raised $13.5 million in venture capital. Financing was led by Merial Limited, a London-based maker of animal-health products.

Regional Report Triad May 2008



Wineries Cork Costs With Higher Prices 

Even the most ardent fans of wines produced in the Yadkin Valley have to admit they’re not cheap. Critics will point out that they cost nearly twice as much as comparable wines from California, Chile, South Africa or Australia.

Margo Metzger, executive director of the North Carolina Wine and Grape Council, admits that consumers can find cheaper wines than Tar Heel varieties. “Most of the wineries are young, so we’re talking about recovering real costs.” One of those costs is the most basic — grapes. “The price of grapes here is about $1,100 a ton, about twice as much as in California.”

Charlie Shelton, co-owner of Shelton Vineyards in Dobson, sells his wines for $16 to $40 a bottle, depending on the vintage. “Our winemakers taste wines that we feel are comparable and competition to us. Everything is priced to be competitive. Sometimes you even have to price some products below costs.”

Lena Hobson, co-owner of RagApple Lassie in Boonville, calls pricing an inexact science and says most vintners in the Yadkin Valley American Viticultural Area are still paying off startup costs. “When we were writing a business plan, we looked at price ranges in North Carolina to see if that’s something we can live with and still remain in business.”

RagApple Lassie wines sell for $14 to $17 a bottle, and the company produced about 6,000 cases last year. By contrast, Duplin Winery in Rose Hill, the largest and oldest winery in the state, produced nearly 200,000 cases last year. The Eastern North Carolina winery uses native muscadine grapes rather than European ones grown in the Yadkin Valley AVA, and most bottles sell for $7.50 to $12.

Mark Friszolowski, general manager and winemaker at Childress Vineyards in Lexington, says his pricing formula is simple. “We want to make wines at a profit, even if it’s a small one. We’re OK with our wine costing a little bit more money.” Childress wines range from $11 to $60 a bottle.

Some even suggest that the wineries pump up their prices to avoid the notion that the product is, well, cheap. Hobson says she’s seen that sort of thing during her days of volunteering with nonprofits. “If you give something away, people do not attach a value to it.” But artificially inflating prices is risky, she says.

Metzger pooh-poohs the notion. “There may be instances of that in the world of wine, but I haven’t seen it here in North Carolina.” Says Shelton, “There are some recipes for disaster out there, and that is one of them.”

Friszolowski isn’t so sure. “There might be a few isolated instances. There’s a lot of ego in this business, particularly when someone’s name is on the bottle. But most people will charge because they need to.”


GREENSBORO — RF Micro Devices, which makes cell-phone parts and employs about 1,900 here, bought England-based Filtronic Compound Semiconductors for $24.8 million, adding about 300 employees. The move will delay construction here of a $100 million, 300-worker factory planned for this year.

WINSTON-SALEM — New Krispy Kreme Doughnuts CEO James Morgan will get an annual salary of $650,000 and stock options worth an estimated $578,000. He also is eligible for a bonus of up to $455,000. Predecessor Darryl Brewster’s $2.6 million pay package in fiscal 2007 included a salary of $634,487.

TRINITY — David McIlquham, 53, resigned as chairman and CEO of mattress maker Sealy. Larry Rogers, 59, president of Sealy North America, is interim CEO.

WINSTON-SALEM — Novant Health, which owns nine hospitals in North Carolina, paid $300 million to buy a 27% stake in seven hospitals in the Carolinas from Naples, Fla.-based Health Management Associates. Four of the hospitals are in North Carolina: Davis Regional Medical Center in Statesville, Lake Norman Regional Medical Center in Mooresville, Franklin Regional Medical Center in Louisburg and Sandhills Regional Medical Center in Hamlet.

GREENSBORO — Columbus, Ohio-based Skybus Airlines blamed high fuel costs and poor economic conditions for its shutdown in early April. Earlier this year, the discount carrier opened a hub at Piedmont Triad International Airport. It employed about 80 and was making 16 daily flights from PTIA at the time it closed. The move cleared the way for another discount airline, Las Vegas-based Allegiant Air, to stay at the airport. It had announced plans to discontinue flights there May 31. It will keep service to Orlando and St. Petersburg, Fla., and resume service to Fort Lauderdale.

GREENSBORO — Houston-based Continental Airlines added two daily nonstop flights between Greensboro and Cleveland, giving it 10 daily flights at Piedmont Triad International Airport.

WINSTON-SALEM — Apparel maker Hanesbrands plans to build its first factory in China. The plant in Nanjing will cost at least $100 million and employ about 1,000 when it opens in 2009.

HIGH POINT — Two subsidiaries of St. Louis-based Furniture Brands International that shared offices here plan to move their headquarters. Drexel Heritage will go to Thomasville, taking about 40 jobs. Henredon will move to another building here.

WINSTON-SALEM — Forsyth Medical Center and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center appealed the state’s rejections of competing plans to open hospitals four miles apart. Forsyth wants to open a 50-bed hospital in Clemmons; Baptist, an 81-bed hospital in Advance.

GREENSBORO — Textile maker Unifi sold a vacant plant and land in Dillon, S.C. Paterson, N.J.-based 1019 Realty paid $4 million for the 536,000-square-foot plant and 63 acres.

MOUNT AIRY — Bodet & Horst, which makes knitted fire barriers for mattress manufacturers, spent about $1.5 million to open a factory here that employs 10. The German com- pany also employs 65 at a factory in High Point, where it has operated since 2004.

WINSTON-SALEM — Liberty Hardware, part of Taylor, Mich.-based Masco, plans to add 526,000 square feet to its 690,000-square-foot headquarters and distribution center. Liberty, which employs 350 making decorative hardware, isn’t sure how many workers it will add.

WINSTON-SALEM — Forsyth County won approval from the National Steeplechase Association to resume the Tanglewood Steeplechase next year. Commissioner Ted Kaplan says the race, which ended six years ago because it lost corporate sponsorship, could be a tourism magnet. It drew 20,000 spectators a year to Tanglewood park in the 1980s.

WINSTON-SALEM — Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center launched a five-year study aimed at reducing complications in diabetic patients after heart surgery. It will be paid for by a $3.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Regional Report Eastern May 2008



Counties deflate wind power 

Local opposition is knocking the wind out of efforts to promote renewable energy, but whether coastal ordinances that halt or tightly regulate electricity-generating windmills have them down for the count remains to be seen. The latest setback came in March, when Carteret County imposed a nine-month moratorium. In January, Currituck County started restricting where they can be built.

“We’re faced with something we know little about,” says Doug Harris, chairman of the Carteret County commissioners. “We’re looking at something that, from sea level to the tip of the blade, could be 470 to 490 feet tall. That’s taller than the Wachovia Building in Raleigh and certainly taller than our lighthouse at Cape Lookout.”

Carteret ordered the moratorium after Raleigh developers proposed building three large wind turbines east of Morehead City that could generate more than 4 megawatts of power, which they would sell to Raleigh-based Progress Energy. The Currituck ordinance requires utility-size windmills to be on at least 25 acres and 1½ times their height from property lines.

Carteret commissioners want time to study windmills before a new state law triggers a building boom. It requires utilities to obtain 12.5% of their power from renewable sources and greater efficiency by 2020. “We’re just concerned about the fall zone and other public safety and health issues,” Harris says, adding that the moratorium is not “a vote against wind power as such.” Commissioners expect county planners to offer proposed guidelines by this winter.

What seems like clean, cheap power is causing division even among environmentalists. Steve Kalland, director of the North Carolina Solar Power Center at N.C. State University in Raleigh, says some contend windmills endanger birds and other wildlife and create visual and noise pollution. “Most recognize that wind energy is better overall for the environment than other options,” he says.

However, opposition grows when communities discover the size of wind turbines, says Daren Bakst, an analyst for the John Locke Foundation, a conservative think tank based in Raleigh. “You’re talking about structures as tall as 49- or 50-story buildings.” Last year, Ashe County banned large turbines, blocking a plan by a local farmer to build a mountaintop wind farm. Nearby Blowing Rock has banned all windmills.

Building a container terminal is, in a way, like buying a car: The extras can really add up. The State Ports Authority says one proposed in Brunswick County would cost $1.7 billion, up from the original estimate of about $1 billion. Roads, rail links and other improvements will add $500 million to the tab, spokeswoman Karen Fox says. The payoff? The N.C. International Port, near Southport, would create 16,500 jobs, and private development would generate $1.1 billion a year in local and state taxes by 2030. The first phase would open in 2017. Revenue from operations, federal grants and state money would pay for the port. More foreign trade and crowding at East Coast ports make the terminal necessary, the authority says.

WILSON — Augusta, Ga.-based Hull Storey Retail Group says its sale of three North Carolina malls and eight others to Atlanta-based Hendon Properties for $214 million fell through because of a tight credit market. The largest was Wilson Mall. The others were Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville and Twin Rivers Mall in New Bern.

WILSON — Becton Dickinson, a Franklin Lakes, N.J.-based medical-equipment maker, plans to open a factory here by summer 2009. It will employ more than 90.

FAYETTEVILLE — James Anderson, 59, replaced Vic Hackley, 67, as chancellor of Fayetteville State University. Anderson had been a psychology professor at State University of New York at Albany. Hackley, interim chancellor, had filled the job since August.

CLINTON — Sampson County offered St. Paul, Minn.-based Fibrowatt $1.5 million to build a plant that would burn poultry waste to produce electricity. The company had not responded by early April.

NEW BERN — Tempe, Ariz.-based US Airways will start a daily round-trip flight between Craven County Regional Airport and Philadelphia in June. It already has seasonal, holiday and weekend flights from here to Philadelphia.

Regional Report Charlotte May 2008



Living in the country can stink 

Jeff Bennett swears he’s not trying to drive Wallace Farm Inc. out of business. But he thinks something needs to be done about it. His neighborhood near Huntersville in northern Mecklenburg County often reeks of rotting food and manure from the company’s composting operation, and some neighbors have a hard time discussing it rationally. “There are some people who would be extremely angry and vocal and screaming at you and telling you it’s not fair.”

Maybe they shouldn’t be surprised by the scent from Wallace Farm’s 160 acres. For most of the past 60 years, it was a dairy farm, rife with the aromas of dung, silage and compost. About 1990, it began leasing out the dairy operation and focused on composting. The last cow departed in 1999.

The Highland Creek subdivision started south of Wallace Farm in the early ‘90s. Eric Wallace’s grandfather sold the developers land so they could run sewer lines. Until five years ago, Wallace, now company vice president, couldn’t see the houses from the farm. Now, they border it on three sides. Trees that filtered the stench were cut down to make way for more homes, he says. Some went up within sight of compost rows.

Wallace Farm has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to mitigate the smell, he says. “This is a trend that’s happening throughout the country. I could tell you story after story about how irresponsible residential development has encroached upon farms, landfills, wastewater-treatment plants. People buy their homes, they move in and they complain. It blows my mind.”

But Bennett, president of Highland Creek Community Association Inc., says the odor has gotten much worse since he moved in 12 years ago. Aerial photographs show compost mounds have grown in the past year and a half, he says. The company processes about 100,000 tons of waste a year — about what it did in the ‘90s, Wallace says, but inventory has grown because it’s giving its product more time to mature.

Bennett’s neighbors have discussed lawsuits. Wallace Farm is trying to renew its state composting permit, and Bennett says he would rather avoid legal action by working out tougher rules with regulators, including limits on the size of the operation and what raw materials it can use. “We’d just like to see a solution so everyone can peacefully coexist without the odor issue.”

More Jobs That Count

Just like Jell-O, there’s always room for bean counters. A recent survey of 200 executives in the Charlotte region found 9% planned to add accounting and finance staff in the second quarter, while only 4% planned cuts. “We have not felt the economic turndown here as quickly as everywhere else,” says Andrea Seymour, Charlotte-based regional vice president for Robert Half International Inc., which did the study. “Businesses are still growing here.”


CLEVELAND — Daimler Trucks North America plans to lay off about 1,500 of the 2,900 workers at its Freightliner factory here in June and cut production from two shifts to one. The Portland, Ore.-based company blamed soft demand for its trucks on a weak economy and costs from changes in federal emissions standards.

CHARLOTTE — Beaverton, Ore.-based Metro One Telecommunications will close its call center here this month, idling nearly 275, as part of a cost-cutting plan. About 600 workers companywide will be let go.

CHARLOTTE — San Jose, Calif.-based Tessera Technologies, which helps miniaturize electronics, expects to add 185 positions at its research center here. That will increase employment to about 285. Most of the hires will be engineers.

CHARLOTTE — Sporting News magazine plans to move its headquarters here from St. Louis in July. It employs about 30 and is owned by Charlotte-based American City Business Journals, which bought it in 2006 from St. Louis-based Vulcan Sports Media.

CONCORD — With five hotels set to open here within the next year, Cabarrus County tourism officials are trying to increase the number of hotel workers in the region by, among other things, seeking an expansion of community-college training programs and improving public transportation. The hotels will require at least 600 workers.

CHARLOTTE — Stephen Macadam, 47, replaced Ernie Schaub, 64, as CEO and president of EnPro Industries, which makes seals, bearings and other industrial products. Macadam had been CEO of BlueLinx Holdings, an Atlanta building-products distributor.

CHARLOTTE — The U.S. National Whitewater Center hired Amplify Sports and Entertainment as its marketing agency. The center, which had a $1.3 million operating loss in its first fiscal year, wants the New York-based company to procure a naming-rights deal and attract corporate sponsors for its events.

CONCORD — Cabarrus County commissioners approved more than $190,000 in tax incentives for a Chapel Hill company that wants to put flight simulators near Con-cord Regional Airport. FlyRight plans to invest $12 million and hire about 18.

CONCORD — The city is seeking a private partner to help build a second 12,500-square-foot terminal at Concord Regional Airport and a 125-space parking deck. It hadn’t estimated the cost.

HICKORY — St. Louis-based Furniture Brands International plans to sell its HBF division to Muscatine, Iowa-based HNI for $75 million. HBF, which makes upholstered seating, textiles, wooden tables and wooden case goods for offices, employs about 335 in Hickory.

CHARLOTTE — Speed Channel, a cable-television network focusing on automobile and motorcycle racing, plans to add 34 jobs during the next three years. That will bring employment to more than 100.

TAYLORSVILLE — Jasper Group, an Indiana-based furniture maker, plans to begin production here this summer. The factory will employ about 40.

HICKORY — Lenoir-Rhyne College will change its name to Lenoir-Rhyne University in August. The school’s president says the change reflects an expansion of its curriculum, including more courses in health care, business, education and religion.

CHARLOTTE — MedCath, which builds and operates heart hospitals, plans to sell Dayton Heart Hospital in Ohio to Dayton-based Good Samaritan Hospital for $55 million this month. MedCath will then own nine hospitals in seven states — none in North Carolina.

KANNAPOLIS — The state Division of Facility Services denied Winston-Salem-based Novant Health’s application to build a $90 million, 50-bed hospital here, saying it’s unnecessary. Novant is expected to appeal.

CHARLOTTE — Goodrich laid off about 45 employees at its plant in Danbury, Conn. The aerospace company says the layoffs, which will leave the plant with about 500 workers, reflect changes in some customer contracts.

Pat Riley

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Personnel File – May 2008: real estate

Pat Riley, President/COO
Allen Tate Co., Charlotte

Pat Riley built houses while working his way through high school and college in Pennsylvania. In the last 17 years, he played a major role in building North Carolina’s largest privately owned residential real-estate company. Last year — when it turned 50 — Allen Tate’s sales exceeded $6 billion. That was four times the city of Charlotte’s budget in 2007.

Such an edifice can’t be constructed upon a foundation of modesty. “All we’ve aspired to be was the Carolinas’ premier residential real-estate company,” Riley, 57, says. He calls the Piedmont Crescent, which runs from Raleigh through Spartanburg, S.C., “our footprint.” Riley had big shoes to fill — and not just geographically.

He was recruited by the company’s founder and namesake in 1991 with the assurance that he would succeed Tate, who at 76 remains chairman. “He wanted to grow his company,” Riley says. “At that time, it had five branches, and we did $468 million in sales.”

Part of the growth has come from strategic acquisitions of other independently owned real-estate brokerages. In 1996, it bought its first outside Charlotte, in Rock Hill, S.C. Since then, it has scooped up more than a dozen in the Carolinas. It entered the Triad in 2002, then opened offices to get a toehold in the Triangle.

Another tactic has been streamlining house buying by creating subsidiaries that offer mortgages, insurance and other services. “Customers and clients love to have somebody they trust to handle all the moving parts,” Riley says. The company also has a real-estate school, and its agents — more than 1,800 of them — average 18 sales, worth about $4 million, a year.

The future? More growth, says Riley, who is chairman of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce. That’s despite a cooling market, which he says is caused by potential buyers having trouble selling homes elsewhere, plus overbuilding brought on by the Carolinas’ reputation as a hot housing market. “Builders from all over the country,” he says, “have flocked here in droves.”

Marching on


Up Front: May 2008

Marching on

The story-tellers of the Highlands are as varied in their subjects as are literary men and women everywhere. One is a historian narrating events simply and concisely; another is a historian with a bias, colouring his narrative according to his leanings. One is an inventor, building fiction upon fact, mingling his materials … .

— from Alexander Carmichael’s introduction to Carmina Gadelica: Ortha Nan Gaidheal (Hymns and Chants)

Looking up information about Lexington’s past while fact-checking this month’s cover story, I Googled the name of my great-great-grandfather. Ebenezer (or Ebenzer, maybe Ebanezer, depending on whichever record is right) B. (for what, I have no idea) Kinney had lived just north of there. Born in 1835, he died in 1886, age 51. One of his nine children was David Franklin Kinney, my great-grandpa, the name same as mine.

All this I already knew, but I also came across a reference to a service record, sparse though it be: On Aug. 27, 1862, Ebenezer B. Kinney, age 27, a farmer from Davidson County, had been enlisted as a private into Company C of the 61st North Carolina Infantry. On Jan. 1, 1863, he was listed as having been “left sick on road” at Goldsboro. His name was dropped from the company rolls five months later.

I could but wonder. The Civil War was well into its second year when he went in, leaving behind a wife and two small children. Only a few months earlier, the Confederacy had enacted the first general military draft in American history. I suspect he was a reluctant rebel, coming from that part of the Piedmont, called the Quaker Belt, where the “rich man’s war, poor man’s fight” never had been popular. The state, too, had been reluctant, the last to leave the union, but would pay a heavy price for secession. With one-ninth of the Confederacy’s white population, it provided a sixth of its fighting men. Of the 120,000 who served, a third would die, more than half from disease. One of every four Confederates killed in action was a Tar Heel.

The 61st fought its first battle while he was with it, part of a 2,014-man force trying to check a thrust by more than 10,000 federals from New Bern at the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad near Goldsboro. In marches preceding the action, more than 100 of the regiment tramped through snow barefooted. In one company, 10 of 13 without shoes died. After some skirmishing, the 61st and Gen. Nathan Evans’ South Carolina brigade awaited the advance, their backs to the Neuse at Kinston, as Dec. 14 — a Sunday — dawned.

Evans was West Point, a professional soldier. He also liked his liquor. Commanding from the other side of the river, he would order the 61st to advance after it had run out of ammunition. He directed artillery fire on trenches he thought his men had vacated but still held. Finally, flanked and outnumbered, they withdrew to find he had set the bridge on fire. “Here we lost several of our men and it is truly miraculous that half of them at least were not killed or burned to death,” Capt. N.A. Ramsey of Company D wrote. “God was with us on this beautiful, lovely Sabbath day.” The regiment reached Goldsboro Dec. 17 and returned to Wilmington Jan. 2.

In a sad way, I see the furniture workers Senior Editor Amanda Parry writes about in this issue as comrades of these men. They, too, are victims of forces beyond their control, pawns in a game controlled by politics and economics. The fate of many, I fear, is to be left on the road.

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Leaving the nest


Fine Print – May 2008

Leaving the nest
By G.D. Gearino

If you ever had cause to visit the Durham headquarters of Motricity Inc., the software company that found itself with a pile of investor cash last year, you surely marveled at the place. In the renovated American Tobacco complex, within foul-ball distance of Durham Bulls Athletic Park, the headquarters would be the envy of any working stiff who labors in a soulless office building under fluorescent light oozing from an acoustic-tile ceiling. Exposed brick walls? Check. Mammoth wood beams? Check. Stylish furniture? Check. Employee lounge that looks suspiciously like a pub? Check. Nightlife, festivals, restaurants and sporting events fewer than 100 paces away? Check.

Let’s make it official: Motricity’s headquarters is as good as it gets for corporate life. Better yet, North Carolina (and the Triangle specifically) is one of the more nurturing locales for ambitious tech firms, providing an educated work force and political leaders so accommodating that a weekly wash-and-wax of the CEO’s car by the governor isn’t wildly out of reach as an incentive. What company would ever leave such a paradise?

Uh, Motricity. It’ll be gone by the end of the year. Simply put, Motricity — formed in 2004 by the merger of Durham-based Pinpoint Networks and Nashville, Tenn.’s Power by Hand — traded up. When it spent $135 million of that investor money to buy a division of InfoSpace, it decided that Bellevue, Wash. — the Seattle “boomburb” where InfoSpace is — would be an upgrade from Durham. Probably the most significant tech corridor outside Silicon Valley, it’s teeming with software programmers and engineers. But Motricity’s move still has the flavor of a sophomore social climber leaping at the chance to sit at the seniors’ table in the high-school lunchroom. When you realize that analogy makes Durham — and by extension, all of North Carolina — the table where the braces-wearing, acne-plagued doofuses gather … well, it stings.

This is the point at which I could be expected to clamber atop my soapbox and inveigh against the foolishness of passing out incentives willy-nilly to bribe companies either to move to North Carolina or stay here. (After all, Motricity is leaving because it feels Bellevue is a better place to do business, not because it’s being lured away.) Instead, I’ll pose a question: How much loyalty should a company feel to the place of its birth, and how much should we residents feel to that company?

What we owe our companies is an equitable tax structure, a reasonable regulatory climate, an efficient permitting system and a well-maintained infrastructure — in short, the same things we owe ourselves. We also owe them the first chance to claim our patronage. If all things are equal, our reflex should be to buy goods and services from the local fellow. Corporate loyalty to the place that spawned it is more complicated. Companies are like children, in the sense that they start small, grow large and eventually form their own identities and characteristics. Some are surly and grabby and me-me-me right from the beginning, while others grow up gracious and charitable and generous. Some come to feel rooted and comfortable in their homes, while others are always scanning the horizon, wondering if life isn’t better somewhere else.

Let us consider two of our children and examine their relationships with home. Recall first the peripatetic journey of RJR Nabisco. The company, an amalgamation of homegrown R.J. Reynolds Industries and Nabisco Brands, came under the rule of the much-loathed F. Ross Johnson on Jan. 1, 1987. Two weeks later, he announced that RJR Nabisco would move its headquarters from Winston-Salem to Atlanta. And just to pour salt in the wound, Johnson declared that the Twin City simply didn’t have the cultural sophistication to attract young executives. Too “bucolic,” he said.

You can imagine how the good citizens of Winston-Salem felt about that. The new boss had barely been in the job long enough to warm the seat when he announced that the company needed to move out of Hicktown and into a real city. As it turned out, Atlanta wasn’t good enough. After a leveraged buyout by Manhattan big-game hunters in 1989, the headquarters wound up in New York. Eventually — divested of food divisions and some foreign operations — what is now Reynolds America returned to Winston-Salem.

If RJR was the prodigal son, NationsBank was the dutiful one. In 1998, NationsBank — né North Carolina National Bank but grown under gimlet-eyed Hugh McColl into a regional powerhouse — announced that it would merge with San Francisco-based BankAmerica, a deal that would create the largest retail bank in the country. McColl could have been forgiven if he had decided to decamp for Manhattan to join the ranks of the financial world’s Big Swingers. Instead, the newly merged company took the name Bank of America from its new mate, but headquarters stayed in Charlotte, housed in the tallest building between Philadelphia and Atlanta.

A child that considerate is a blessing. Clearly, Motricity isn’t like that. Maybe it’ll wander for a while, then return home, a la RJR. If not, we know what to do: Talk trash about it during family gatherings.

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Ken Kirkman

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Personnel File – May 2008: Real Estate

Ken Kirkman, General Manager
Landfall Realty LLC, Wilmington

When it comes to coastal development, Kenneth Kirkman, 58, has seen it all. After getting his law degree from UNC Chapel Hill, the High Point native opened a practice in Morehead City specializing in land use. In the 1980s, he helped the Roosevelt family develop Pine Knoll Shores. He has been CEO of Bald Head Island Limited and legal counsel for the North Carolina Coastal Alliance, a group of developers, bankers and property owners, and is a principal in Carolina Colours, a 2,000-acre community in New Bern. Here’s his take on current conditions:

“You don’t start hearing in the press that things are really good until about six months after you can tell they are getting good, and you don’t start reading that they’re bad until six months after they start getting bad.”

“One of the unique factors in the current situation is the price of gas. The price of producing a house is going up even though demand is way down, because so much of what’s involved in producing housing involves fuel. If fuel costs should continue to increase, I think it’s going to take much longer to recover, because the producers of housing cannot react quickly enough to the relationship between prices and costs of production.”

“The market has changed a lot primarily because of the baby-boomer demographic. There are some 4 million baby boomers coming into the [retirement-living] market every year, and about half of them indicate a likelihood that they’ll relocate more than three hours from home, and about half of those indicate they’ll consider the Southeast. And of those, a great preponderance want to be near the coast, so there has been more and more interest in coming into Eastern North Carolina. That’s created a whole lot of opportunities and a whole lot of challenges.”