The N.C. Association of Certified Public Accounts has appointed Johnson Price Sprinkle PA accountant Rollin Groseclose as chair of the 15,000-member organization. Groseclose joined the Asheville accounting firm in 1996, becoming active in NCACPA a few years later. He joined the association’s board of directors in 2013.
“My job is not to take us in a new direction, but to continue the direction set by the board of directors,” Groseclose said in a statement. “I see this as a relay race, and my charge is to accept the baton and keep running the course set by the board. This year we intend to focus on increasing the impact and influence that we as CPAs have.”
Associated with his chair position, Groseclose is serving a four-year appointment on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ governing council. The AICPA is the largest national CPA professional organization, representing more than 400,000 members.
Groseclose is a graduate of UNC Asheville. He settled in the city after growing up in South America, where his parents served as missionaries, then Nebraska.