Saturday, January 25, 2025

N.C. community colleges form pathways to jobs

Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte holds a job fair every March.

Appeared as a sponsored section in the March 2018 issue.

More than ever, N.C. community colleges are the pathway to employment. With an increasing number of high-tech companies locating in the state, community colleges are the conduit between the employer and a highly skilled, specialized workforce, which leads to the high-paying jobs a burgeoning economy needs to thrive. A growing number of the 58 community colleges in the N.C. system are developing programs specifically for new employers in their respective regions with customized training for their particular manufacturing needs, whether automotive, biomechanical, engineering or other high-tech skills.

In addition, community colleges help existing workers through continuing education to update and enhance their education. Some students need help with a high-school diploma so they can continue their education or enter the workforce. And an associate degree can be valuable for either finding employment or taking that foundation to a four-year college for further experience and education. In any case, community colleges pave the way to a number of satisfying careers.

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