Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Legal Elite – Young Guns 2011


NEILL G. “MAC” MCBRYDE JR. Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson PA, Charlotte

I would probably want to live and work in Virginia. I spent four years of college there, lived there for a few years before going to law school and went on my first date with my wife there. No matter where you are in Virginia, you are never very far away from the coast or the mountains, which would provide many easy opportunities to get away from the office with family and friends. The decisions that are made in Washington affect everyone; if I worked closer to Washington, it would be very tempting to find a way to expand my practice to be a bigger part of that decision-making process.

Vita: Born Aug. 25, 1976, in Charlotte; bachelor’s from University of Virginia and law degree from Duke University; wife and two children. Specialty: Corporate. Why he chose this field: I enjoy the partnership dynamic of many corporate transactions. Once a transaction closes, the parties often must work together. This provides incentives for all parties to find creative solutions to differences that arise. What he’d be if not a lawyer: I’d work in or around sports. Memorable case: It involved the completion of Winston-Salem’s new downtown baseball stadium. There were a lot of moving parts — other investors, Minor League Baseball, local government and several banks. It was very satisfying to attend opening day for the 2010 season. Passions: Playing lousy golf and fishing. Favorite place: The Bahamas. Recent Reading: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I can’t turn the pages fast enough. Don’t ask him to: Sing, other than to my daughters.

Young Guns (Best Under 40)

Neill G. “Mac” McBryde Jr. Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson PA | Charlotte Shelley K. Abel Rayburn Cooper & Durham PA | Charlotte Norris A. Adams II Essex Richards PA | Charlotte Christopher J. Ayers Poyner Spruill LLP | Raleigh Jennifer Ball Hutchison Law Group PLLC | Raleigh Justin D. Bice James, McElroy & Diehl PA | Charlotte Laurie B. Biggs Stubbs & Perdue PA | New Bern Ashley Kamphaus Brathwaite Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog LLP | Raleigh John D. Burns Williams Mullen | Raleigh Charles Coble Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard LLP | Raleigh Jeffrey M. Davis Higgins Benjamin Eagles & Adams PLLC | Greensboro Tricia Morvan Derr Lincoln Derr PLLC | Charlotte Lex M. Erwin Erwin & Eleazer PA | Charlotte E. Bradley Evans Ward & Smith PA | Greenville Stephanie A. Gaston Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog LLP | Raleigh Jeremy Godwin Moore & Van Allen PLLC | Charlotte Garland Graham Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC | Greensboro Monica R. Guy, Bell, Davis & Pitt PA | Winston-Salem Grayson S. Hale K&L Gates LLP | Raleigh Jennifer C. Hutchens Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson PA | Charlotte J. Christopher Jackson Wood Jackson PLLC | Raleigh Jason B. James Poyner Spruill LLP | Charlotte Elizabeth H. Johnson Poyner Spruill LLP | Raleigh Gene A. Jones Jr. Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC | Raleigh Mark N. Kerkhoff MKN Employment Law Solutions | Charlotte Robert D. Kidwell Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP | Greensboro Roberta B. King Bennett & Guthrie PLLC | Winston-Salem Irene P. King James, McElroy & Diehl PA | Charlotte C. Bailey King Jr. Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP | Charlotte Norman F. Klick Jr. Carruthers & Roth PA | Greensboro Tyler Brown Kline Crumpler Freedman Parker & Witt | Winston-Salem Peter B. McGuire Peter B. McGuire Attorney at Law PLLC | Asheville Daniel Merlin, Johnston Allison & Hord PA | Charlotte George Mason Oliver Oliver & Friesen PLLC | New Bern Melody C. Ray-Welborn Graebe Hanna & Welborn PLLC | Raleigh Arlene M. Reardon Wyatt Early Harris Wheeler LLP | High Point J. Neal Robbins Robbins Kreider PLLC | Winston-Salem Erik M. Rosenwood, Hamilton Moon Stephens Steele & Martin PLLC | Charlotte William M. Starr Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP | Charlotte Andrew W.J. Tarr Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson PA | Charlotte Craig A. Taylor Carruthers & Roth PA | Greensboro Samuel G. “Bo” Thompson Jr. Yates, McLamb & Weyher LLP | Raleigh Jason E. Toups Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog LLP | Wilmington David E. Wagner K&L Gates LLP | Raleigh R. Michael Wells Jr. Wells Jenkins Lucas & Jenkins PLLC | Winston-Salem Courtauld McBryde Young Poyner Spruill LLP | Charlotte

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