Family Law
Richard D. Stephens Dozier, Miller, Pollard & Murphy LLP, Charlotte
I have almost a complete set of baseball cards from 1955, including Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Roberto Clemente, Mickey Mantle, Jackie Robinson and Sandy Koufax. I collected them when I was 9 years old and a real fan. I found them years later. My mother had saved them in a shoebox.
Vita: Born Aug. 7, 1945, in Burke County; bachelor’s from UNC Chapel Hill and law degree from Columbia University; wife and three children. Why she chose this field: It offers an opportunity to help people. What she’d be if not a lawyer: MA teacher or political-science professor. I have always enjoyed the political process. Hero: Atticus Finch, from To Kill A Mockingbird. When he walks out of the courtroom, the people stand in respect. That may be my all-time favorite movie scene. Passions: My family, family law, tennis, bluegrass music, hiking in the mountains and the Sunday crossword puzzle. Recent reading: My wife has me reading Wendell Berry. I just finished Hannah Coulter and Andy Catlett. Don’t ask her to: Do something I really don’t want to do.
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Family law
Richard D. Stephens Dozier, Miller, Pollard & Murphy LLP | Charlotte Lisa M. Angel The Rosen Law Firm PA | Raleigh D. Caldwell Barefoot Jr. Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP | Raleigh Jimmy H. Barnhill Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC | Winston-Salem Robert S. Blair Jr. Horack, Talley, Pharr & Lowndes PA | Charlotte Heidi C. Bloom Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP | Raleigh Kim R. Bonuomo Morgenstern & Bonuomo PLLC | Greensboro Jennifer M. Bradley Cheshire, Parker, Schneider, Bryan & Vitale | Raleigh L. Stanley Brown Hamilton Moon Stephens Steele & Martin PLLC | Charlotte Lynn P. Burleson Tharrington Smith LLP | Raleigh Nelson M. Casstevens Jr. Casstevens, Hanner, Gunter, Riopel & Wofford PA | Charlotte Dallas C. Clark Jr. Colombo, Kitchin, Dunn, Ball & Porter LLC | Greenville Cary E. Close Cary Close Family Law | Raleigh Charles W. Coltrane Coltrane Aycock & Overfield PLLC | Greensboro Joslin Davis Davis & Harwell PA | Winston-Salem William K. Diehl Jr. James, McElroy & Diehl PA | Charlotte David W. Erdman Erdman Hockfield & Leone LLP | Charlotte Susan H. Gray Wells Jenkins Lucas & Jenkins PLLC | Winston-Salem Howard Gum Gum, Hillier & McCroskey PA | Asheville Dorian H. Gunter Casstevens, Hanner, Gunter, Riopel & Wofford PA | Charlotte Kristin M. Hampson McGill & Hampson PA | Raleigh Michael S. Harrell Manning, Fulton & Skinner PA | Raleigh J. Gregory Hatcher Hatcher Law Group | Charlotte Kathryn K. Hatfield Hatfield & Hatfield | Greensboro Fred A. Hicks Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP | Charlotte Elizabeth T. Hodges Horack, Talley, Pharr & Lowndes PA | Charlotte Katherine S. Holliday James, McElroy & Diehl PA | Charlotte David E. Holm Holm Law Firm PLLC | Raleigh Cathy C. Hunt Gailor Wallis & Hunt PLLC | Raleigh Jill Schnabel Jackson Tharrington Smith LLP | Raleigh David M. Kern James, McElroy & Diehl PA | Charlotte W. Walton Kitchin Colombo, Kitchin, Dunn, Ball & Porter LLC | Greenville James F. “Rik” Lovett Jr. Rik Lovett & Associates | Raleigh Jaye Meyer Tharrington Smith LLP | Raleigh Bobby D. Mills Herring Mills & Kratt PLLC | Raleigh Fred Morelock Tharrington Smith LLP | Raleigh Barbara R. MorgensternMorgenstern & Bonuomo PLLC | Greensboro John F. Morrow Sr. Morrow Alexander Porter & Whitney PLLC | Winston-Salem Len C. Mueller Mueller Law Firm PA | Raleigh Robert A. Ponton Jr. Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP | Raleigh Carlton S. Prickett Wilmington Arlene M. Reardon Wyatt Early Harris Wheeler LLP | High Point Michael F. Schilawski Wake Family Law Group | Raleigh Robin J. Stinson Bell, Davis & Pitt PA | Winston-Salem Alice Stubbs Tharrington Smith LLP | Raleigh Gary B. Tash Tash & Kurtz PLLC | Winston-Salem Lorion Vitale Cheshire Parker Schneider Bryan & Vitale | Raleigh Lana S. Warlick Law Office of Lana S. Warlick | Jacksonville Elise Morgan Whitley Morrow Alexander Porter & Whitney PLLC | Winston-Salem J. Huntington Wofford Casstevens, Hanner, Gunter, Riopel & Wofford PA | Charlotte Carolyn J. Woodruff Woodruff Law Firm PA | Greensboro