Thursday, February 6, 2025

Clay Grubb’s bout with COVID-19

[/media-credit] Clay Grubb

Charlotte developer Clay Grubb, CEO of Grubb Properties, shared his recent experience with the coronavirus in a LinkedIn post that is shared below. He believes his symptoms started during a March 4 dinner with three friends, each of whom contracted the virus. His first request for a virus test on March 6 was denied because there weren’t any available. His doctor was able to secure a test a week later.

“Congratulations, you have the coronavirus, call asap.” That chilling text on 3/18 came two weeks after I felt weak, but I was no longer sick. According to the N.C. Health and Human Services Department, one is not contagious seven days after getting the virus and three days after fever.  I had not had a fever for 10 days, but my experience underscores important lessons.

It was not like this came without warning. The news daily reminded us of the risks as we watched the virus spread throughout the world. Yet the Centers for Disease Control insisted that it be the sole test provider. Why would we not encourage every company in the country to work on innovate ideas?

In times like this, there tend to be three kinds of reactions: those who take it seriously, those who don’t take it seriously and those who panic. Unfortunately, many who don’t take it seriously end up in panic when it hits close to home. Jeff Tucker of the American Institute for Economic Research says we are experiencing an epistemic meltdown as a result of the lack of knowledge.

It is my belief that strong data, a commitment to transparency and the wheels of capitalism can solve this problem. If we are diligent by washing our hands and avoiding close contact, we should be safe. If we are reckless, we will get sick and get others sick. This disease is extremely dangerous, but if we are diligent, we will overcome this challenge.

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