Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Best Business Card Winner

The judging is over and the winner of the best business card contest has been named. Many thanks to our judges. Our first judge was Laurie Smithwick, a Grammy-nominated designer, the founder of LEAP Design, a partner in the Alt Summit design conference, and a TEDx speaker. Our other judge was Winn Maddrey, vice president of marketing at Charlotte-based Technekes LLC who also serves on the advisory board of the Wildacres Leadership Initiative and the Davidson Board of Visitors and is the organizer of TEDxCharlotte. In all, we had about 50 cards come in from all over the state.

Congratulations to Brent Barbour of CRISP agency in Raleigh for having the best overall business card. The quality of the card stock, the finish, design and message made the card a unanimous pick. Brent will receive the Business North Carolina “Bag of Schwag.”

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Here are a few others that the judges thought were notable:


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Ben Kinney
Ben Kinney
Ben Kinney is publisher of Business North Carolina magazine. You can reach him at

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