Mission Health fills it newest tower with local art
Mission Health, nestled in a city known for its beauty, filled its new $400 million tower with 659 paintings, sculptures and other pieces of art created by local artists. Turn the page for a glimpse at some of the craftsmanship on display at the largest capital project in Asheville’s history.
Pillars of North Carolina: Linda Hudson
Linda Hudson, a pioneering defense-industry leader uses her lifetime of experience to guide senior executives through major decisions.
Big data takes center stage in college curriculum
N.C. universities bustle to train a data-centric workforce.
Davidson College opens Hurt Hub to promote innovation and entrepreneurship
A Davidson incubator is connecting startups, entrepreneurs, community partners and the local college in a collaborative space.
Bogg’s furniture marries advanced manufacturing with design and craftsmanship
Furniture craftsman Brian Boggs mixes respect for the old with cutting-edge productivity.
Triad Business Bank opens with more than $50 million raised
A startup financial institution plans to open in Greensboro this month with more than
$50 million in the bank.
Research Triangle Park slated for makeover
The leafy, suburban look of the state’s most famous business park is slated for a makeover in coming years.
Town Square: Elkin’s second act
Elkin transforms itself from a declining textile town to a craft destination with a strong school system.
Up front: Churches face new challenges in changing society
Historically influential in North Carolina, churches face a tougher challenge in a busy, complex society.
North Carolina offers unique and upscale experiences
North Carolina offers unique and upscale experiences to travelers, making the state’s tourism industry a particularly lucrative sector.