Tuesday, October 15, 2024

August 2013

Wheeling & dealing


Cover story: Wheeling & Dealing, Cars made Bruton Smith very rich. No wonder he seems to believe “it’s my way or the highway.”

What’s the big idea?


Free & Clear: Over the past four decades, ideas such as deregulating markets and adopting pro-growth tax codes have become increasingly powerful in public policy.

Top 75 public companies


Bigger Spenders. A rise in returns for the top public companies mirrors a comeback in consumers’ confidence.

Their brothers’ keepers


Their Brothers' Keepers. The Peyton boys tend to each other and the golf course. If they do the former, the latter will one day be theirs.

Regional Report Western August 2013


Evendale, Ohio-based GE Aviation says it has developed something that will change the jet-engine industry, and it has chosen Asheville as the place to produce it.

Regional Report Triangle August 2013


Investment management is growing in North Carolina for many reasons — few of them economic

Regional Report Triad August 2013


In the year since Lorillard Inc. bought blu ecigs for $135 million, the Greensboro-based cigarette manufacturer has built the electronic-cigarette brand into a powerhouse with 40% market share.

Regional Report Eastern August 2013


It’s not easy being a bay scallop in Bogue Sound — or anywhere else along North Carolina’s coast.

Regional Report Charlotte August 2013


On July 1, Duke Energy Corp. CEO Jim Rogers handed the utility’s reins to Lynn Good, its chief financial officer.

Focus on the homefront


Capital Goods: The Republican-controlled General Assembly clearly sees local government, in general, and city government, in particular, as too big for their britches