You oughta know
In May, Caroline Sullivan became executive director of the North Carolina Business Committee for Education. She has 25 years of experience and leadership in local, state and federal government. She was elected in 2012 to the Wake County Board of Commissioners and served as vice-chair of the board, chair of the Budget, Audit and Finance committee, and co-chair of the Education and Human Services committees. Caroline also has chaired the Public Education Committee of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, along with several other group committees. She is a past vice-chair for the Triangle J Council of Governments.
Prior to moving to Raleigh, Caroline worked for almost a decade in Washington, D.C., holding positions on Capitol Hill, in trade associations, and in political and advocacy organizations. Born and raised in Charlotte, she has a bachelor’s degree from UNC Chapel Hill. She and her husband, Richard, have a son at Broughton High School and a daughter at Enloe High School in Raleigh.
What do you like best about your job?
I actually like everything about my job. Our NCBCE members and my coworkers are great, the policy work is interesting, and I believe we are doing important work that will help the students and teachers in the state.
What inspires you?
Teachers and students are a constant source of inspiration. The magic that happens when a great teacher can spark something in a student never ceases to amaze me.
Who is a role model?
My father was my role model. He taught me the value of learning just to know things. He was innately curious and continued to read and learn his entire life. He taught me to believe that one of the secrets to a happy and fulfilling life is to always be curious and interested in learning.
What was your biggest challenge this week?
Finishing up a grant proposal.
Favorite N.C. vacation spot?
Anywhere along the coast. I love everything about the beach — except the hurricanes.