Wednesday, February 12, 2025

2018 Legal Elite | Bankruptcy


Janvier Law Firm PLLC | Raleigh

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Guilty Pleasure Reading. I’ll read pretty much anything — detective novels, biographies, science fiction, economics treatises, cookbooks, medical journals — whatever I find lying around.  I can’t stop (not that I’ve really tried).
Vita 50; born in New Orleans; bachelor’s from Rice University and law degree from UNC Chapel Hill; married with four children.
Why he chose to specialize in this field I was very fortunate to have some great bankruptcy lawyers as mentors early in my career – in particular Kirk Jones in New Orleans, and Greg Crampton and Stephani Humrickhouse in Raleigh. Those three were very patient in teaching me the bankruptcy practice as a young lawyer.
What he’d be if not a lawyer Probably teaching high school English. But who knows? I’d love to be a charter captain in the Virgin Islands.
Best advice received Early in my career, I asked my father, a banker, how to generate business. He said, “Treat everyone fairly and be nice to people, and you’ll have more than enough work.” So far, he’s been right.
Favorite place Sailing in the Virgin Islands. The perfect form of active relaxation.
Favorite book Choosing a favorite book is just too hard — I love to read.  But if I have to pick one, I’ll go with Halo by Chet Day, which I recently re-read.
Favorite TV show Carolina basketball games.
Passions I love backpacking with my children, which I don’t get to do nearly enough.
Don’t ask him to Mislead someone. Not even for a good cause.
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